What We Do

Supporting Cypriots and Armenians around the world

Provide Humanitarian Support

Provide humanitarian support to Armenian and Cypriot communities by supporting reputable local charities.

Over the last years there have been many tragic events, both unforeseen and other catastrophes, that have impacted our core communities.

Mari Explosion (Cyprus, July 11th 2011): Explosion at the Evangelos Florakis Naval base situated in Mari Larnaca, where a large amount of ammunition and military explosives were kept killing 13 people and interrupting the electricity supply to approximately half of Cyprus.

Beirut Explosion (Lebanon, August 4th 2020): An explosion of a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the Port of Beirut resulting in at least 218 deaths, $7,000 injuries, US$15 billion in property damage and causing major damages to the properties of the Lebanese Armenian community not far from the Port.

Artsakh 44 Day War (Artsakh, September 27th 2020 – November 10th 2020): Military aggression of Azerbaijan and Turkey on the partially recognised Artsakh Republic where about 4,000 Armenian and Artsakh servicemen were killed, about 11,000 wounded and left a large number of refugees with no home or shelter fleeing to Armenia causing a huge humanitarian crisis.

Coronavirus (January 2020 – Ongoing): The Virus first identified in China has infected over 200 million people and killed over 4 million, impacting the whole world including Armenia and Cyprus both economically and socially.

Over the last years these kind of events have been happening more and more frequently. We hope this will change in the future and while humanitarian support is not part of our core focus areas, we stand ready to support by providing humanitarian support if these kind of disastrous events occur again in the future.